
Frank Bridge (1879-1941)

Benjamin Banks, Vc (1793)
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Frank Bridge was a British composer, violist and conductor. Scherzetto was written for cello and piano in 1901. It is one of his early works. The form is ABA with a coda at the end. The first part, A, is an allegro, with rapid scale-like figures moving up and down, giving the section an abundance of vitality. Besides modulating in the middle section, B, it also includes romantic poetic and cantabille elements before finally returning to the A section, giving the piece the beauty of balance. The time signature changes in the coda and becomes a presto. The cello plays rapid, resplendant figures, ending the piece in a glorious splendor. A cello made by British luthier Benjamin Banks (1727-1795) in 1793 is used for this recording. The simple and classic style of this old famous instrument and this gorgeous piece completed in the 20th century makes for an intriguing combination, worthy of attentively listening to how both lead one another and are fused together.