本資料庫收藏: Violin (1696)
The works of Francesco Ruggeri are almost indistinguishable from the Amatis. Though profoundly influenced by Nicolò, Francesco still adopted new conceptions and endeavored to improve his violins’ timbre and sonority to a better state, along with greater penetrating power. His most notable characteristic can be found at the scroll, with shallow carving of volutes which are nearly flat from lateral view.
Francesco’s refinement of the cello pattern was his most important contribution to lutherie. He was both a productive and beloved maker by musicians of his time. Although second only to Nicolò Amati in Cremona, he was never duly esteemed in his whole life. After hundreds of years, Francesco’s work finally earned the reputation it deserved. To this day, the value of Francesco’s violins is no less than that of Amati’s.
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