Giorgio Seraphin, c. 1726-1775

本資料庫收藏: Violin (1760)

Giorgio Seraphin was Sanctus Seraphin’s nephew, and was a talented artisan. His luthier skills were probably acquired from his uncle. He began working independently in 1742, and helped Domenica Montagnana from 1745 until Montagnana died in 1750. He married Montagnana’s daughter Anotnia Montagnana the following year, and continued his father-in-law’s family enterprise. It is still not known whether this Antonia was the same Antonia that Sanctus Seraphin married.

Giorgio was not very active during his career possibly due to his poor health. He stopped signing his name on his instruments after 1750, and usualy used other people’s names instead of his own. Gaetano Santagiuliana (c.1760 - c.1830) was one of his pupils.

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